VUMC: Sunday School
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Sunday School

Pre-K/Kindergarten Sunday School, Susan Casey teaches this Sunday School class. They meet at 9:00a on Sunday mornings downstairs in the south classroom of Kingdom Kids area.

Early Elementary Sunday School, Lisa Burnam and Kelly Clark teach first, second, and third grade Sunday School. Their class meets at 9:00a on Sunday mornings in the north classroom of Kingdom Kids area.

Older Elementary Sunday School, Casey Kistler and Kristin Stombaugh teach  fourth, fifth, and sixth  grade Sunday School.  Their class meets at 9:00a on Sunday mornings. They meet in the north end room off Wesley Hall.

The Friendship Class, (the seniors' class) meets in the carpeted area off of Wesley Hall. The class has several teachers who rotate on a weekly basis. They are presently using the Cokesbury adult series that tends to bring those "I didn't know that" moments each week.

The Agape Class is open to adults of all ages adults. The teaching approach is a facilitated discussion as they look to apply God's word to daily living. The Agape Class meets in the church library.

The Young Adult Class is currently being led by Rich Well.



First United Methodist Church of Vandalia :: 618.283.3684