VUMC: Prayer Shawls
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Prayer Shawls

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is composed of women who knit or crochet and who prayerfully use this craft as an outreach in ministry to others.  A prayer shawl is a tangible way to show concern for others as well as God's love.  Each prayer shawl is made with love, hope, and blessings for the one who receives it.  We pray for someone in need as we work on a shawl, pray over the shawl as a group, and then present the shawl to the intended person when completed.  We hope that each recipient of a prayer shawl will feel surrounded by God's love and will feel wrapped in prayers each time the prayer shawl is used.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry gave out 70 prayer shawls in 2018. Besides prayer shawls, the women of the Prayer Shawl Ministry also make other items including baby blankets for baptism and items for Operation Christmas Child.

First United Methodist Church of Vandalia :: 618.283.3684