VUMC: Operation Christmas Child
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Operation Christmas Child

First United Methodist Church of Vandalia has been packing shoeboxes for over 18 years, and we have served as the drop-off location during National Collection Week for the past 10 years.

What Is Operation Christmas Child?
Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international Christian relief organization, headed by Franklin Graham. OCC collects gift-filled shoeboxes the third week of November during National Collection Week and delivers them in the name of Jesus Christ to children living in desperate situations around the world.

Who Does this?
People of all ages are encouraged to pack a box filled with school supplies, hygiene items, and toys for impoverished children around the world.

Why do this?
Every day boys and girls worldwide suffer from war, poverty, disease, and natural disasters. Children are able to experience God’s love through gift-filled shoeboxes. These gifts open doors for presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ by working in and through the local churches in each of the countries from which they are delivered.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me…” (Matthew 19:14)

Every shoebox gift is an excellent resource for evangelism and discipleship, which leads to more new believers and churches around the world.

Shoebox Outreach Events
Christians in the countries where the distributions will take place are taught to host an outreach event. They are taught how to organize the event, share the Gospel, and invite the children to participate in a follow-up discipleship program,The Greatest Journey.

The Greatest Gift
Before children receive their boxes, they hear the Gospel and receive a booklet called The Greatest Gift, which explains the message of salvation. This storybook shares 11 scripture stories and invites children to follow Christ.

The Greatest Journey
Children are invited to attend a 12-week discipleship program, which includes Bible stories and scripture memorization, and they learn how to follow Christ in their daily lives. They are encouraged to share what they learn with their family and peers and in turn these people share it as well.



Jill Zimmer (618-326-8363)

Vandalia Drop Off for Operation Christmas Child
c/o First United Methodist Church
127 N. 4th St
Vandalia, IL  62471

First United Methodist Church of Vandalia :: 618.283.3684