VUMC: Bucket Buddies
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Bucket Buddies

Bucket Buddies is a small group for women of all ages who gather to eat, fellowship, study, and pray. The group meets in the church library on the last Tuesday evening of every month from 5:30p to 7:00p. Upon gathering, the group shares a light potluck supper, mostly "finger foods" each member brings to share. Table service is provided.

After studying many of the women of the Bible over the years, the Bucket Buddies decided to study “Seven Men and the Secret of Their Greatness” by noted Christian author, Eric Metaxas. Each month, September 2018 through April 2019, a stand alone lesson about a man of great faith and remarkable character will be offered. New members are welcomed to join at any time. A new study will be selected by the group during Spring 2019. Bucket Buddies materials are provided by the church so there is no cost to join or participate.

Bucket Buddies typically enjoy lively discussions centered on life lessons learned from the scripture referenced in the study. The evening concludes with prayer, as members bring concerns and praises to the group to share.

The name of the group grew out of the phrase - "You can’t fill anybody else’s bucket if your own bucket is empty!" The "Buddies" help fill each others buckets with this time devoted to fellowship and worshipful study. We remind each other to take time to take care of ourselves so we can then take care of the others who depend upon us. We laugh, we cry, we think, we learn, we pray and we leave refreshed, ready for what’s next.


Please note that during the holiday months of November and December the schedule for Bucket Buddies is sometimes changed. Check the church calendar or call the church office to double check the schedule.

First United Methodist Church of Vandalia :: 618.283.3684